
Alginate Impression Material has several features including readily mixing and shaping property.

Besides, the flexible and accurate impression model can precisely express the oral tissue and be

easily separated from setting gypsum model.


Used as teeth and oral impressions.


 Compressive strength≥0.35MPa

 Recovery from deformation≥95%

 Strain in compression ranges from 5% to 20%

 Compatibility with gypsum should reproduce 0.05mm wide and vertical filament.


 Before use, distribute the product components by vibrating uniformly.

 Powder : Water=10g : (25-27) ml

 Mixing the distilled water and powder in rubber bowl for 30 sec till the mixture turns out


 Working time lasts 90 sec start from mixing the components till pouring the mixture into the

tray. And this time the mixture turns out light pink.

 The impression takes 60sec till setting. At that time it turns white.

 Setting time:2’15”-2’45”(distilled or ion-free water at 23℃)

 Remove the impression from the mouth carefully and rinse it with cold water. Then pour gypsum immediately after the water on the impression surface is cleared.




 20 bags/1 carton, each bag contains 500g

 12 barrels/1 carton, each barrel contains 1200g


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